While all this is important to realize, realize that we are also called into "oneness" or unity with God himself. When we dive into God's word and His will for our lives, we "share in God's DNA of love" (Spiritual Disciplines Handbook). We begin to realize the strength we have when we work in unity with God and his kingdom. When we bring disruption to the unity God intended for the family of Christ, it grieves Him. At the same time though, some may argue that the church is divided through denominations and ritualistic differences. Yea, that's true...but here's the thing...God is bigger than anything. Our simple divisive attitudes will not stop God from proclaiming his kingdom. The gates of hell cannot withstand God's might. But just think, if we were working together as one large Church, or body of Christ, the hands would become more effective, and the feet would know just where to walk. The body would enter into a time of great productivity, and the Church as a whole would bring many people to know Christ in numbers never before seen.
"The goal is for all of them to become one heart and mind -- Just as you, Father, are in me and I in you, So they might be one heart and mind with us. " (John 17:21)