Saturday, September 25, 2010

Open Myself to God - Self-Care

     Reading this section makes me realize just how serious we should take this idea of self-care.  We were created completely unique and beautiful in God's eyes.  He created us and gave us our bodies to take care of.  So why do we tend to "trash" them?  I know that I'm totally guilty of eating tons of junk food, and I've been guilty of not exercising for weeks at a time.  We should be striving to always take care of our bodies, if only because God made them for us.  Paul puts it in a great way:

"You realize, don't you, that you are the temple of God, and God himself is present in you?" 1 Corinthians 3:16

     When we pay attention to what our bodies are telling us, we learn our own God-given blessings and limitations.  God created our bodies a certain way for a purpose.  Sometimes I wonder why God made me smaller than a lot of guys my age.  Maybe that's just because I get so totally absorbed by sports that I would stop focusing on him.  Maybe it's His way of saying, "ok, you've had your it's time to buckle down and get to work."  Taking care of our bodies is also a way to honor God through our stewardship.  He asks us to take care of what he has already given us so that he can bless us with more.

     Since I've come out to MidAmerica, I believe God has really been showing me two areas where I need to take better care of myself.  One would be by lifting and running.  I know that I eat a lot, and if I don't lift and run, I'm going to fall out of shape.  I know that God wants me to protect my body, and that's what I plan on doing.  Also, God keeps having to remind me about how I can overwork myself if I'm not careful.  I tend to put too much on my plate sometimes, and I know that he wants me to take care of my body by not putting so much stress on myself.

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