Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Worship - Rule For Life

     "A rule for life offers unique and regular rhythms that free and open each person to the will and presence of Christ" - Spiritual Disciplines Handbook
     At first I was totally confused by what the book mean when it said "rule for life."  I mean, is that like some kind of unspoken rule that everyone should know?  Or maybe it's some kind of rule that's listed somewhere in the bible?  But then the book goes on to read that every person has their own "rule for life" that they create.  The sole purpose of these rules is to create a habit of something; and through that habit, to continuously grow closer to God.

     This will look totally different for your friends or your family then it will for you.  Everyone has a unique rule for life that they live by.  It specifically addresses your life, your relationships, your needs.  It is just meant to be a simple set of disciplines that you live your life by -- not just a list of do's and don'ts.

     "Before making a rule, take stock of your desires, natural rhythms, limits and times of closest connection to God." - Spiritual Disciplines Handbook
     I have been given a passion for music by God, so why not use the passion and incorporate it in my Rule For Life?  I sing ALL the time, and I feel that singing brings me closer to God.  So why don't I make my rule to sing my praises to God every day?  It's so simple, but when I get in a rhythm of worshiping God through song, I will connect to God and grow closer and closer.  I want it to be so regular to me that it's easier to forget how to breath than to miss a day of singing my praise and glory to God.

     So what will your rule for life be?  Maybe for you it will be just going out in nature and admiring God's workmanship.  Maybe it's going to your church's sanctuary and just getting on your knees and praying.  Maybe you don't sing, you just play the guitar, well then strum away if that is when you feel close to God.  He isn't picky...he's given you desires, so use them to grow closer to him.  Establish a rule that becomes so natural that it models your very breathing.  This rhythm of drawing near to God will make you stronger in your faith.
     It's such a simple concept, but sometimes we over-think it.


  1. As I read your post, I though of the fact that when we create a "rule for life" that involves "praying without ceasing", we are creating a daily type of constant communication with God. I think as I've gotten older, I find myself talking to God more and more throughout the day. It has become a habit, and a good one at that.
    Also, you have a rule of life that came to my mind as I read your words. You not only sing constantly, but you continuatlly whistle praise songs. I don't know if you are conscious of how often you do it, but I did comment two days ago, that I sure miss your whistling. Whistling and singing praise music is part of who you are...a habit that not only brings glory to God, but also affects those around you!

  2. yeah, he doess=) allll the timee. haa.
