I guess we can be grateful without showing gratitude. But what's the point of silent gratitude? It doesn't benefit anyone, and it definitely doesn't make anyone feel good. I mean, doesn't it make you feel unappreciated if you work extremely hard for something and get not even a thank you for it? Not that we should always work just for that recognition, but I know that a simple "thank you" can make someone's day. I think we should be abundant with our thanks, in everything and to everybody.
I mean if you look at Jesus' example in Mark 8, he gave thanks for what little he had.
1During those days another large crowd gathered. Since they had nothing to eat, Jesus called his disciples to him and said, 2"I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. 3If I send them home hungry, they will collapse on the way, because some of them have come a long distance ."
4His disciples answered, "But where in this remote place can anyone get enough bread to feed them?"
5"How many loaves do you have?" Jesus asked.
"Seven," they replied.
6He told the crowd to sit down on the ground. When he had taken the seven loaves and given thanks, he broke them and gave them to his disciples to set before the people, and they did so. 7They had a few small fish as well; he gave thanks for them also and told the disciples to distribute them. 8The people ate and were satisfied.Jesus was given seven loaves of bread and a few fish, not near enough food to feed the crowd. But he thanked God for the little he was given; and God blessed him for that. I think sometimes we sell God short and don't believe he can provide, so we forget to thank him for what he has already provided. I mean, he's the one who provided us with life to begin with.
You are certainly right about a "thank you" making someone's day! We all crave affirmation from others, don't we? Your post points to the ONE and only ONE from whom we should really be seeking affirmation! Living our lives to please Him should be our one and only goal. Like you said, He is the Life Giver!
ReplyDeleteIt's very true that we don't express our gratitude nearly enough. I believe that it comes naturally to those who have the spiritual gift of encouragement. But for the rest of us, it's something that we need to work on developing in our lives. This is especially true when it comes to expressing our gratitude to God. It is a habit that we need to develop in our lives.
ReplyDeleteBTW - thanks for cleaning the church for two year. I appreciated it.
Thank you for being born so i could have a nephew, you are my 3rd favorite. It is amazing how the words Thank You has become so hard for people to say. Most only care about themselves so they feel no need to show other people they are appreciated. I am glad that you are not like that :)