Saturday, September 11, 2010

Worship - Summing it all Up

     I tend to view worship as a Sunday morning thing often.  Or when outside of the church setting, I consider it to be worship whenever I pick up my guitar either alone or with someone else and just start playing "worship songs."  But while those ARE worship...worship isn't limited to those two things.  It's not even limited to a religious sense, or a church sense.  You can worship anything in your life; sometimes without even realizing it.

    Sometimes, we fall prey to either unintentionally or intentionally worshiping things other than our Creator.  Many worship money, some their favorite football team, or it could even be someone in your life.  I know in my life at points I have worshiped soccer.  Going into my freshman year of high school, soccer was all I cared about and when I didn't make the team, I was devastated.  So how would my life have turned out if I worshiped God only and not soccer?  I don't know, it would've been a lot easier to see my worth.

    When we begin to worship other things, we can't worship God.  How can our heart be divided?  We can't serve two masters.  True worship is when we value God above all else; when we put him first in everything we do.    We can do amazing things in God's name, but it's not of any credit to us if we don't put him first is it?  If our motives for bringing someone to Christ is to boast about it?  Are we worshiping God in that? NO!  We are worshiping what we consider to be our own importance. Jesus describes people who do this in this way:
"These people honor me with their lips, 
but their hearts are far from me" (Matthew 15:8)
     One thing to keep in mind is that everyone has their own style of worship and it is up to the individual to find their way in which they come closest to God.    Everyone comes closer to God in their own unique way.  Some believe that only hymns are worship while others believe that hymns are void of meaning to them because they are boring to listen too.  Some people think that dancing is not right in worship, and some people honor God through their dancing and feel it is their best way to worship God.  Some think that sitting in nature in silence is their act of worship.  Are any of these wrong? No. Is there any one way that's the best? Who am I to decide?

     I think my best way of coming to worship is through song, and I think it's easiest to worship God with others.  I feel God's presence more when I sing with others who are worshiping...or rather I come and meet with God more when I'm in a group.  That doesn't have to be's even possible that in seeing others singing out their hearts to God, you can worship God just by feeling his presence.



  1. So true... for the longest time i had always thought that the biggest way that i worshiped God was through my athletic abilities, but near the end of my high school career i was doing these sports with the mindset of "look how good i am" or "am i better than these people" and the focus was not at all on God, and honestly at that time my relationship with our creator was very weak. Its funny though how sometimes he subtly he taps us on the shoulder to get our attention, its not so funny when he taps our ACL in half, but it certainly got my attention, and after i pretty much argued with God almost all summer about this i came to the realization that i wasnt giving my worship to Christ through my actions at all. it probably sounds funny but i see it now almost as the way parents treat little kids (which is what we are in Gods eyes) when they misuse something. the parents will take it from the child and tell them "you will get this back when you understand what you did wrong, and know how to use it right." This was God saying "Spencer, you werent using the gifts i gave you for the reason i gave it to you, you'll get it back when you know how you are to use it." So i guess what im saying is use the gifts God gave you to their fullest extent to glorify him first and foremost, and dont ever for a minute think that you got these abilities on your own power to do what you want with them. We were made to worship! and i find it funny you post this because these were the realizations that i literally just came to today!

  2. I agree that we each have to seek and find our best way to connect to God. Like you, I find music and nature both lead me right to His throne. When I look around this beautiful world and realize how small I am--yet how special I am to Him--it is amazing to me. Listening to worship music (I prefer contemporary Chrisitan music), softens me and turns my focus to Him. Life can get so busy--even doing things for Chirst...WE MUST take time to worship. Thanks for your reminder...

  3. this is maybe the most accurately iv seen this staed and/0r felt
