Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Incarnate the Love of Christ - Care of the Earth

     The bible makes it clear that we are called to take care of the Earth that God has given us.  In Leviticus chapter 25, God's people are instructed to give both the land and animals a Sabbath.  They recognized the importance to let the land rest so as to restore nutrients and keep it healthy, along with not overworking their animals.  Just because you can endlessly work the land doesn't mean you should.  We tend to neglect the Earth, because it's inconvenient to take care of.  But in all reality, when we don't take proper care, it hurts us in the long run.  I mean, look at all the pollution around us.

     God created us to be stewards in the modern age.  Our position may be slightly different than the people of Israel, because many of us don't own cattle or cultivate the land.  But we are still called to take care of the earth through other means such as recycling or picking up trash.  The root of our desire to care for the Earth comes when we realize that it isn't ours to begin with. Psalm 95:5 states "The sea is His for he made it, and His hands formed the dry land."  It's all for God, not us.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Hear God's Word - Memorization

     What is the point of memorizing scripture in a day and age where we can google anything and have it almost instantly on our computer screen?  Well memorizing isn't about just being able to instantly quote the material.  It isn't even about just knowing a lot of things.  When we purposely memorize something, we are intentionally committing something to our hearts.  Our minds, without memorization, tend to just latch on to the latest attention-grabbing experience.  In most cases, this means we can forget scripture and remember the latest football game.  But when we intentionally memorize scripture, it is forever stored in our heart and cannot be pushed aside by everyday experiences.

     "Memorization is the process of continually remembering the words, truths and images God uses to shape us. memorization provides us with a store of learning, which can be accessed anywhere and anytime." - Spiritual Disciplines Handbook

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hear God's Word - Meditation

     Meditation isn't a discipline that is limited only to Eastern religions, but also rests at the core of Christianity.  It is an invitation to invite God to work in your life.  God is near, and clues to his presence have been seen since creation: "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen..." Romans 1:20. The problem occurs when we don't stop and really see what is going on around us.  God is here, but sometimes we aren't looking.

     To meditate on a passage, slowly read the passage over and over.  Listen to the scripture, asking what God wants you to get out of it, and what is important.  Write down any questions you have.  Sometimes memorizing the passage makes it easier to repeat it in your mind over and over so that it resonates automatically.  Many times I like to find a key verse that sticks out and write down a paragraph about what it means to me.  When I actually write things down, it tends to stick in my memory more  prominently, and sometimes I even write it on a sticky note and put it on my desk so that I can read it every time I sit down.

     "Meditation is a long, ardent gaze at God, his work and his Word.  Slowing down and giving one's undivided attention to God lies at the core of Christian mediation." - Spiritual Disciplines Handbook

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Hear God's Word - Devotional Reading

     In the early Church, many believers would have been illiterate, and even many of those who could read didn't have access to bibles.  Because of this, much of the early Church history is characterized by what is known as lectio divina (or devotional reading).  Lectio divina requires learning through means other than reading written words, much like how we understand what wind is because we feel it, or how we begin to comprehend snow by building snowmen and throwing snowballs.  The process of Lectio divina made a way to hear the Word read in church and apply it to their lives through five movements:

      1. Silencio - Simple slow down and become quiet and calm; prepared to hear the Word of God
      2. Lectio - This involved the actual reading of the scripture.  Read slowly and loudly letting the words
                        resonate in your heart, and if something happens to catch your attention, stop and ask God for
                        what he wants to reveal.
      3. Mediatio - Simply, meditate.  While reading the scripture a second time, savor the words.  Reflect on the
                            importance of what sticks out to you.
      4. Oratio - Respond through praying to God.  Enter into a personal dialogue with God after reading a third
                        time.  Talk with God about any feelings that arise from this passage.
      5. Contemplatio - Contemplate and rest.  Allow God to begin working on you in whatever he has shown
                                    through this passage.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Hear God's Word - Bible Study

     Why is bible study important?  Well, first of all, this is one of the ways that we hear from God.  In the word, God has planted his love story for us, and with that his calling on our life.  If we really want to understand who God is, and who he created us to be, what better place to find it then in the word?  "Studying the scripture can equip, guide and reveal how to live in life-giving ways that deepen our friendship with God and others." - Spiritual Disciplines Handbook

     The book, Spiritual Disciplines Handbook, lists a few different approaches to studying the bible:
1. Artist method
     - Read a passage of scripture and ask yourself the following three questions:
          i. What speaks to my heart? then draw a heart next to that scripture
          ii. What new thought or idea comes to me?  then draw a lightbulb
          iii. What does Scripture move me to do? then draw a hand
2. Detective method
     - Read a short passage from one of the Gospels, then play "detective"
     - Ask who, when, where and what questions
     - Dig deeper into the passage and really understand what is going on in the minds and words of the writer(s)
3. Treasure-seeker Method
     - This very simply looks at a passage and says: What idea, commandment, or promise can I find?
     - This tends to bring different results to different people, because everyone finds their own meaning to verses.
4. Jesus' apprentice method
     -  Choose one of the Gospels (Mark of Luke) and just follow Jesus' life looking for what seems important
          - How does Christ live His life?
          - What is important to Christ?
          - How can I become more like Him?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Share My Life With Others - Witness

"You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8)
     As I've been working on my research paper this week, I've been reading many accounts of eye-witnesses to the shooting of JFK.  These witnesses share the truth with those who did not get to see this event, or who do not know what happened.  In the same way, we are meant to be witnesses of the Truth that is the love of Christ.  We are called to bring people into knowing Christ by testifying to what we have seen him do in our own lives and in the lives of those around us.  What would be the end result if no witnesses would step forth for a murder? Well the murderer would walk free, and evil would continue to happen by his hands.  I guess when you think of it that way, you have to think about this: What if I don't witness to God's hand in my life?  What will happen to others?...

     Now don't think that it is our job to convert ever single person we meet...if we try to do that, we will burn out..fast.  Our job is to be a living testimony and "plant the seed".  For Paul writes: "I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow." in Corinthians 3:6.  You see, God is the one who draws people closer to Him, but he wants us to be involved and be part of that process.  That's why Nazarenes consider it very important to live a holy lifestyle, so that our very lifestyle becomes a witness and testimony to our love for God, and for his greatness.

     "Desire: to reveal the life-changing love of Jesus to others." - Spiritual Disciplines Handbook

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Share My Life With Others - Unity

     This is a topic that has always been dear to my heart.  Unity is a HUGE issue in the church today.  I mean how many times have you heard rumors flying around the church?  I know I have.  Even the smallest little bits of gossip can effectively destroy what may have become a very prosperous ministry.  Think about it this way: the Church is the body of Christ.  What good would it be if the hands wanted to do something different than what the eyes were focused on?  It would be almost impossible.  And what if the feet walked in the opposite direction of what the hands were grasping tightly too?  In the same way, disunity in ministry can be disastrous.  We can literally tear apart a beautiful ministry all because we want to do "our thing" or we are sure that we know what is best.

     While all this is important to realize, realize that we are also called into "oneness" or unity with God himself.  When we dive into God's word and His will for our lives, we  "share in God's DNA of love" (Spiritual Disciplines Handbook).  We begin to realize the strength we have when we work in unity with God and his kingdom.  When we bring disruption to the unity God intended for the family of Christ, it grieves Him.  At the same time though, some may argue that the church is divided through denominations and ritualistic differences.  Yea, that's true...but here's the thing...God is bigger than anything.  Our simple divisive attitudes will not stop God from proclaiming his kingdom.  The gates of hell cannot withstand God's might.  But just think, if we were working together as one large Church, or body of Christ, the hands would become more effective, and the feet would know just where to walk.  The body would enter into a time of great productivity, and the Church as a whole would bring many people to know Christ in numbers never before seen.

     "The goal is for all of them to become one heart and mind -- Just as you, Father, are in me and I in you, So they might be one heart and mind with us. " (John 17:21)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Share My Life With Others - Spiritual Friendship

     "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity" (Proverbs 17:17)

     Spiritual friendship goes beyond just being "friendly."  It isn't about being nice to people, or even about liking them.  It's about genuinely investing yourself in their lives; loving them unconditionally through whatever circumstances life throws their way.  It means being there to encourage them, to support them in their walk.  Jesus had his small group of disciples, but even in this group he had three who were his closest "spiritual friends": Peter, James, and John.  He shared the highest and lowest points of his life with them.  They were the three who accompanied him to the garden in which he was eventually arrested.  Maybe he brought them there to teach them what it means to live as a godly example through adversity, even being condemned to death on a cross.

     "In John 15:13 he says, 'Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.' To die for a friend - that's just not ordinary, everyday friendliness" - Spiritual Disciplines Handbook

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Share My Life With Others - Small Group

    When you look at the life of Jesus, he was never a lone ranger.  He was always surrounded by someone: his family, friends, disciples, crowds, etc.  The greatest example of a small group is shown through Jesus and his twelve disciples.  Throughout his three years of ministry, Christ poured out his love and knowledge to the disciples.  They learned everything they knew about God and living a godly life through their time with Christ.  He was the one who modeled disciplines, and helped them experience spiritual transformation.  He worked through them to experience this formation.

     In this day and age, we look to each other to foster spiritual growth.  Just as Christ worked in the lives of his disciples, so do we work in the lives of our friends and colleagues to foster growth.  The discipline of small groups simply means joining a group of believers who are all willing and determined to grow together, not individually in their faith.  Joining a small group means vulnerability, and you must be willing to recognize your own  faults and bring them before the group so that together you can bring it to God.  And for a small group to really be effective in fostering growth in the members, all attending must be willing to listen.  No judging, no pointing finger, no gossiping.  Just listening, loving, and supporting.  That's what it takes to make a great small group.

" Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.  A cord of three strands is not quickly broken" (Ecclesiastes 4:12)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Share My Life With Others - Service

    Serving can be hard.  I mean, after a long day of work or school, I know the last thing I want to do is serve someone.  I mean, come on?  Can't they do something nice for me?  The thing is, though, that is exactly the kind of attitude that has created this materialistic society we live in today.  We want people to do good things for us, but we don't want to have to go out of our way for anyone else.  That is, until you understand our calling as Christians:

"Christians are the very essence of God to others.  We become God's vehicle of blessing on planet earth." - Spiritual Disciplines Handbook

    But the thing is, we can't serve, if we aren't ready.  We need to prepare our hearts for service, because if you are helping someone, but are totally selfish about it, or have a bad attitude, how is that showing God's love?  But even before you are willing to humble yourself and prepare for service, you have to be able to see the need.  A pastor, and good friend of mine once challenged me with this statement, "pray to God 'make what breaks Your heart break mine as well.'"  That's scary!  When you start to pray this prayer, God shows you the needs around you.  It isn't till you can see the world through God's eyes that you can truly serve.  Seeing through God's eyes means looking past economic status', race, gender, beliefs, or shortcomings of others, to look at the need.  Humbly serving and meeting that need shows the love of God to someone who may not know love.

"Everybody can be great because anybody can serve.  You don't have to have a college degree to serve.  You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve.  You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love." - Martin Luther King Jr. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Share My Life With Others - Mentoring

     Isn't it true, that when we learn what is best for us, our natural tendency is not always to do it.  We tend to stick to old habits, old ways of doing things.  Most of us need examples through relationships and hand-on teachings.  We need mentors.  Mentors help people grow in their walk with Christ.  They believe in the mentee, and in their ability to better themselves, even if the mentee doesn't see their own potential.  Mentors help the mentee equip themselves for success in whatever area of their life is necessary.

     I guess when you think about, mentoring happens everyday to almost anyone.  For example, at school, the students are mentored by teachers.  At home, the children are mentored by adults.  At work, the employee is mentored by the boss or manager.  The spiritual discipline of mentoring doesn't mean that you have to be qualified, or you have to meet certain standards.  All mentoring is about is passing on what you know to someone else.  There are no age restrictions, gender restrictions, race restrictions, etc.  It's all about helping one another in love.

     One of the best examples of mentoring in the bible was when Barnabas mentored Paul.  Paul was rejected by many of the disciples of Christ, because it had been Paul who had persecuted and killed Christians.  But Barnabas knew Paul was changed, and had become a man of God.  Barnabas was willing to risk everything to mentor Paul, and Paul went on to become one of the greatest inspirations for the gospel of all time.  He was a wildcard, no sensible Christian would risk getting close, but Barnabas saw his worth in Christ.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Share My Life With Others - Hospitality

"Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God." - Romans 15:7    

      In a world that is becoming more and more dangerous, hospitality seems to be becoming more and more hard to find.  We sometimes feel vulnerable inside our own homes, and we are afraid when "strangers" come too close.  But we are called to be welcoming, to be the hands and feet of Christ that show his warm and loving heart.  Hospitality at it's core is, "offering the welcome of Jesus to any and all." - Spiritual Disciplines Handbook. Showing hospitality can be one of the best ways to show God's welcoming arms to a scary and hostile world.  But we need to be careful that we are offering our hospitality not to gain favor, or to show off what we have, but only to show God's love to those around us.  And in doing so, being completely humble and giving the glory to God.

     "They [the early church] broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people" - Acts 2:46-47

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Share My Life With Others - Discipling

"Discipling is the process of equipping, training, and encouraging another in his or her apprenticeship to Jesus.  It means journeying with and helping another to grow in knowledge as well as in the virtues and character of Christ." - Spiritual Disciplines Handbook

     Discipling goes beyond just "saving a person".  It is an extended commitment to helping the person with their commitment to becoming more mature in Christ.  Discipling, though, can't really happen if the "saved" person doesn't want to grow.  You can't force a person to mature in their faith, they must be wanting and longing for that kind of growth.  Discipling usually occurs when a group of believers convene around the Word and encourage each other with love and kind words.  This usually happens when a older more-mature Christian disciples a younger one, but it can also happen in small groups as they spur each other on in growth.

     I know that I'm called to be a youth pastor.  And I know that along with that come the responsibility of discipling teens.  I'm totally up for that, because I love talking with others and challenging them to grow.  The only problem is that sometimes I forget that I need discipled as well.  I get discipled by my close friends when we get together for small group.  We always challenge each other to better ourselves and talk about what is holding us back.  I think sometimes Christians are really quick to disciple, but are very slow to be willing to get discipled.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Share My Life With Others - Covenant Group

     " A covenant group is composed of people who commit themselves to helping and encouraging one another, as each prayerfully seeks to live out God's will in their lives." - Spiritual Disciplines Handbook

     America is a nation that is constantly changing.  People are switching jobs, leaving their communities, and even switching their relationships.  Some people have no real friends, because all they do is get really good at just "being friendly" in the polite..."oh hey"...kind of way.  Covenant groups are all about creating deep relationships.  The people in your group will be the people who, at two in the morning, are willing to pick you up when your car breaks down.  They care deeply about you, and become TRUE friends.  The kind that never leaves you alone.

     These groups are usually long term, because it takes time to build up trust with one another.  In this time, the group learns how to listen to one another, and grow in Christ in each other's presence.  Covenant groups make a  covenant, whether written or not, to support one another in prayer, encourage each other, challenge each other, and help in any way needed.  For this group to succeed, commitment must be shared to the covenant, OR IT WON'T WORK.

"For as long as it's still God's Today, keep each other on your toes so sin doesn't slow down your reflexes." - Hebrews 3:13

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Share My Life With Others - Community

      "12 Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For we were all baptized by[c] one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. 14 Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.
 15 Now if the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. 16 And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? 18 But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19 If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, but one body.
 21 The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” 22 On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, 23 and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, 24 while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, 25 so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. 26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.
 27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. 28 And God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and of different kinds of tongues. 29 Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? 30 Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues[d]? Do all interpret? 31 Now eagerly desire the greater gifts." - 1 Corinthians 12:12-31

     I know that's a lot, but this passage is really what the spiritual discipline of community is all about.  We, as Christian's, were not  created to live and work as individual, independent units.   We were meant to share in the ministry of proclaiming Christ.  It is all modeled after this passage.  The whole metaphor of the body of Christ points out that each part of the body (each person) has it's (his/her) specific set of gifts or abilities that make them unique.  They are they only ones that can do certain things, or accomplish certain tasks.

     Each part of the body is not also totally dependent.  The feet do not need the nose to walk, or the eyes need hands to see.  Each person does not necessarily put all their backing on every single person in the Christian community.  I mean, could you imagine...A missionary in Africa calls home and says, send me every Christian in the world because I can't do ministry without them.  That's crazy.

    What the body is...is INTERdependent.  The body works together as one cohesive unit.  Let's say the eyes see something they want to grasp and send this to the brain, then the brain tells the hands to pick it up.  The body works together to accomplish the goal.  In the case of the Christian community, the goal is to reach the lost for Christ and to become more like Christ through helping each other.  There is just a subtle difference between interdependence and dependence.   Dependence means no initiative, no individualism, no uniqueness.  But that's not what the scripture says.  We are all a part of the body of Christ, with our own unique gifts that God has blessed us with for the advancement of his kingdom.  The discipline of community means that we recognize our oneness in completing our goal: to become like Christ, and help others do the same.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Share My Life With Others - Chastity

     "Healthy chastity is rooted in a deep acceptance of, respect for, and protection of the glorious body God has given me and all other human beings.  Chaste behavior cultivates sexual purity and nourishes trust." - Spiritual Disciplines Handbook
     Chastity isn't virginity.  Don't get them confused.  Virginity is a once and gone kind of deal, but chastity isn't.  This discipline is all about your body and the bodies of others, but it goes way beyond sex.  It goes to the point where you never do anything to disrespect your own body, or disrespect the bodies of others.  The discipline of chastity demands a very high level of commitment, and can be one of the hardest disciplines to practice.  Our culture tells us everywhere we turn that sex is what to look for, that we should have it as early as we can.  Maybe they don't come right out and say it, but through tv, music, and other media, that really is the message.

     Jesus (obviously, as usual) had it all together.  Throughout his ministry, he went through the same temptations, appetites, drives, and hormonal impulses that every man goes through, but he never once let them control him.  Yes, he was God, but he was ALSO human.  He had many intimate relationships with men and women, but never once did he do anything that disrespected his body or the bodies of others.  He was able to go to parties with prostitutes, and have them wash and/or massage his feet because he had total control of his body.

     Jesus wasn't innocent.  Wait, what?  Just hold on... Jesus was pure.  Purity is not the same as innocence, because innocence is the absence of testing.  When a person is tested and perseveres, that is where purity is produced.  This means that purity is not lost, and no matter what the past, purity is always an option.  It is captured with every decision that honors both your body and the bodies of others.  Return to God and ask the Holy Spirit for change; that is the first step to regaining purity.  With this help, there is always an option of purity for those who are willing to stand and fight for chastity.  When you fight and persevere, you are made new in purity.

"You, my brothers were called to be free.  But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.  The entire law is summed up in a single command: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" - Galatians 5:13

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Share My Life With Others - Accountability Partners

     We weren't meant to be alone.  From the very beginning of creation, God created us to be a community.  We as Christian's aren't meant to try to live out our faith alone, even though sometimes we feel like we are the only ones.  This is why we gather in buildings on Sunday morning and worship God together in a community; it's part of our very nature as Christian's.  We get it.  We know that we are supposed to go to church with a bunch of other people and sing, listen, and occasionally eat lunch.  But sometimes that's where the community ends.  As soon as it gets personal...we're out.

"Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently.  But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted.  Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." (Galatians 6:12)

      This verse is the beginning of what having accountability partners is all about, but not everything.  Sure, one of the most important roles of an accountability partner is for them to help you overcome temptations in your life.    But that's not where the usefulness of an accountability partner stops.  When we carry each other's burdens, we aren't just carrying their temptations, we are committing to a journey with them.  A journey of prayer, mutual discipleship, and learning.  True accountability partners aren't just about getting to a certain maturity in Christ, but spurring each other onward in Him.

"But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness." (Hebrews 3:13) 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Relinquish the False Self - Submission

     When I think about the word submission, I tend to think of being utterly broken down and cowering beneath someone else's power.  That may be the way the world sees submission, but that's not what the biblical view of submission is all about.  It's more about a willing humbling of ourselves.  It's all about giving up everything that makes us selfish so that we can be totally sold out for God.  It's important to focus on the word "willing."  Submission isn't forced on you by God, and it's not about an abusive relationship in which God makes you do whatever he wants you to.  That's the beauty of biblical submission: it's something you have to want to do.

     "[Jesus] Who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.  And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death -- even death on a cross!" (Philippians 2:6-8)

     Jesus understood the discipline of submission.  Jesus was completely God, but submitted himself to God.  He wasn't saying that God was any better than Him, because He was God.  He was saying, "God the Father, have your way in me."  Submission to God was just a way of Christ telling his Father that he would follow his will to death, which was where he knew he was headed the entirety of his life on earth.

     "Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ." (Ephesians 5:21) 

     So what does it mean to submit to each other "out of reverence for Christ"?  Well it's pretty simple.  We are to model his example!  As Christians, we believe that no one is greater than another.  Paul refers to himself as "less than the least of these" because he realized the importance of staying humble.  Paul is saying in Ephesians that the way to live in a Christian community is to submit to each other in love.  No, that does not make one person greater, it just brings about a community that focuses on serving one another in love.  Every person has their own distinct part in this community; no one can be replaced or set aside without the community suffering as a whole.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Relinquish the False Self - Spiritual Direction

   "Spiritual Direction is 'help given by one Christian to another which enables that person to pay attention to God's personal communication to him or her, to respond to this personally communicating God, to grow in intimacy with this God, and to live out the consequences of the relationship." - The Practice of Spiritual Direction 

      This spiritual discipline focuses around one idea: relationship.  More specifically, a relationship between you and someone who acts as your "spiritual director."  For different people that means different things.  For some people it may be your pastor, youth pastor, parents, or maybe an older teen at your youth group or college.  Someone who is mature in Christ and has the ability to teach you what they have learned about Christ.  I guess it could be considered discipleship at its core.

     The bible has many examples of spiritual directors and directees.  One example would be Jesus and his disciples.  I mean who better to be directed by then Jesus himself?  The disciples had the best of the best in that case.  Another example would be Paul to the various churches he writes to.  How about the books of Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians...etc?  These are all examples of books that Paul has written to his directees, and he is challenging them, through his words, to become more Christ-like and to "imitate" him.

     Looking for someone to direct you in your spiritual walk is a pretty big task.  You want to look for someone who is more mature than you, and can really help you.  If you choose a director who is at the same level as you, that's not going to help you grow closer to Christ.  Also, if someone is directing multiple people, it doesn't necessarily mean that the same advice is given to each person.  It doesn't mean that every directee is in the same point in their walk with Christ.  This spiritual discipline is all about the PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Relinquish the False Self - Solitude

     The easiest way to explain the spiritual discipline of solitude is through a relationship.  When you fall in love, there are many times that you just want to be alone with the person that you're in love with.  You don't necessarily do anything important or say anything earth changing.  It's just the fact that you can show your love more completely when you are alone with them.  This shouldn't only hold true for human love, but also for divine love between our heavenly father and ourselves.  Solitude should be a common thing that stems from our desire to have a more intimate relationship with our Creator.

     Jesus, before he even started his ministry, went into the desert in solitude for forty days.  He went there to commune with God.  Many times solitude is used as a place for reflecting and revelation.  When we are alone, away from judgments and interpretations of what we say, we can be totally open.  We begin to find faults in our thoughts, behaviors, and actions.  We also begin to see our strengths, that other people might think as inferior or stupid, but God can use for the building of his kingdom.

     "Let him sit alone in silence for the LORD has laid it on him." (Lamentations 3:28)
     "The practice of solitude involves scheduling enough uninterrupted time in a distraction-free environment that you experience isolation and are alone with God.  Solitude is a 'container discipline' for the practice of other spiritual disciplines." - Spiritual Disciplines Handbook


Friday, October 22, 2010

Relinquish the False Self - Silence

     This is probably one of the simplest, but most overlooked spiritual disciplines I have read about in this book.  Silence is so counter-cultural for America.  We live in a world where silence is constantly broken for various reasons, or, no reason at all.  Every day I'm woken up from the silence of my sleep by my alarm clock, and I know many times I use my laptop or my iPod to break the "boring silence" of a car ride.  Is there really anything wrong with waking up to an alarm clock?  No, I really don't think so.

     The point of silence isn't too get rid of everything in your life so that you can sit in a dark room by yourself and just meditate all day.  It's about just taking time to listen.  Silence isn't beneficial if you don't listen to God's voice...ok, so probably not an audible voice, but you know what I mean.  The real point of silence is to use this time as a time of reflection on what God is doing in your life: what he is teaching and showing you.

     "But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed." (Luke 5:16)

     "After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire.  And after the fire came a gentle whisper." (1 Kings 19:12)

     God moves through the sounds and the silences of our life.  The problem is we only tend to focus on the sounds.  Silence helps us focus in on the gentler, deeper revelations that God "whispers" to us in the silence.  Or rather, he has been "whispering" all along and you were just making too much noise yourself to listen.  I know I'm guilty of not hearing the whisper until much later than God planned for me too.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Relinquish the False Self - Secrecy

     When I think of secrecy, it usually crosses my mind in a negative way.  I know many times over the years people have told me that secrets cause division and are bad, but I guess it really all depends on the nature of the "secrets."  I mean I see two different kinds of secrets: one is for benefit, and one is for humility.  I think the real spiritual discipline of secrecy centers around the second kind, so that's what I'm going to focus on here.

     I know that human nature goes against the idea of anonymity.  We always want to be in the limelight; always want recognition for any small act or service we do.  Many times, we do stuff for the SOLE reason of being noticed.  Like in the gospels we see the Pharisees give extremely public and extravagant prayers.  Why? Because everyone can see them, and everyone will realize how "spiritual" they really are.  But recognition and praise from fellow believers about your faith isn't what being a Christian is about.  Jesus really promotes this idea of secrecy (humility kind) many times throughout the gospels.  Here's an example:

     "But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen.  Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." (Matthew 6:6)
     "A deed that exists for the sake of recognition is not for God; it's for you." (Spiritual Disciplines Handbook).  That's really what it all comes down to.  I mean, God calls us to live out our faith and be on fire for him, and Paul tells us to pray constantly, but do they every speak of showing off?  I don't think so.  The whole point behind secrecy is humbling yourself.  When you pray, do it in a humble manner.

     Have you ever tried praying to God like he's your best friend?  Often times, myself included, we feel like we have to "pump up" our prayers with big words that make us sound extremely intelligent or spiritual, but God can really see through all that.  The heart of our deeds is what makes them actually living out our faith.  I can build a million church buildings, but if it's for recognition, then what's the point?  I gain nothing from it in God's eyes.  But if I were to build one church building and never tell anyone, would that not be a better example of living out my faith?

     So what will I do tomorrow?  Will I open the door for somebody?  Will I do devotions and pray?  Will I save a child from running into the street?  You won't know...that's the application of this spiritual discipline.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Relinquish the False Self - Discernment

     I almost don't want to post this section just because I'm afraid of totally butchering it up.  I have had many conversations with younger friends who ask me for advice on how to discern God's will for their life.  Before reading this section, I've always just had one answer: pray about it.  It has always been a hard topic for me to explain to others, because God's calling comes to every single person in a unique way; no two callings are the same.  We have callings such as Paul's where he was knocked to the ground and blinded by God, and we have Moses, who was called through a burning bush.

     There are many different views on discerning God's will.  Some Christian's tend to believe that when given two situations, it is always God's will for you to choose the more sacrificial and difficult of the options, while some believe that God's will is whatever option brings you riches, perks, or success.  I think that in most cases, some kind of sacrifice is involved; if only a sacrifice of your time.  I also believe that God blesses you when you follow his will for your life, even though your blessings may not be what you expect.

     "Biblical discernment involves more than good judgment, open doors and decision making skills.  Right discernment arises out of a relationship with God in prayer.  It is founded on the reality of the Holy Spirit's presence within us.  Jesus makes it clear the Holy Spirit is our Counselor and Guide into God's will and ways."  -  Spiritual Disciplines Handbook
     One of the most important things to remember when searching for God's will is to be patient.  God may not reveal to you your calling after you pray your first prayer.  I believe that sometimes Christian's feel like they can force God's hand into revealing his will by praying or fasting all the time.  There's a simple fact: God only works on HIS time.  Discernment of God's will depends on trust; trust that God will provide, and that he always has good intentions toward us.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Relinquish the False Self - Detachment

     What kinds of things are we so attached to that it distracts from God?  I know for me, some things that I'm really attached to are my friends and family.  This whole idea of detachment centers around being so attached to God that you are willing to "detach" and give up anything else in your life for him.  This idea is kind of difficult to me to be honest.  Like if Christ asked me to give up some of my closest friends, I don't know if I'd be able to do it.  This reminds me of the story of Abraham and Isaac.  Abraham was willing to "detach" himself from his own son (by taking his life!) all because God instructed him to.  That's quite a sacrifice; more of a sacrifice than I can even imagine.

"[Jesus] said, 'Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead.  You're not in the driver's seat;  I am.  Don't run from suffering; embrace it.  Follow me and I'll show you how.  Self-help is no help at all.  Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to saving yourself, you true self.'" (Mark 8:34-35)

     I think I've started to become very attached to my voice and hands (for playing guitar).  God has given me a gift for music, and if I were to lose it for some reason, I don't know what I would do.  I can't imagine God taking away my musical ability, but what if he did?  Would I be strong enough in my attachment to Him to be willing to detach myself from music?  I honestly don't know.  Music has become a huge part of my life, and I never want to see it gone, but at the same time, I need to keep my heart focused on glorifying God through these gifts.  God is the reason after all that I have these gifts.  Without gifts God exists, but gifts don't exist without God.

"Indeed, I have been crucified with Christ.  My ego is no longer central.  It is no longer important that I appear righteous before you or have your good opinion, and I am no longer driven to impress God.  Christ lives in me.  The life you see me living is not 'mine,' but it is lived by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." (Galatians 2:20)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Relinquish the False Self - Confessions and Self-Examination

     Many Christian's fall into this trap of "appearances."  I have to appear really Christian-like, and I have to make everybody think I don't sin.  I must be good because I've never robbed a bank, and I've never killed anybody.  I've never even cheated on a test.  But there's danger in putting up this "I'm fine" wall.  People reach complacency in their walk with Christ.  They tend to just be comfortable with where they are and claim ignorance to any sins holding them back.  They figure that their sins are only minor and don't matter in the grand scheme of things.

     It's only when we confess and continually examine ourselves for minor hindrances to our walk that we truly begin to be conformed to the image of Christ.  A person who is content with their walk will never change, and will never get closer to Christ.  We aren't supposed to be content with where we are; rather we should have the same mindset as King David:

"Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting." (Psalm 139:23-24)

     I know sometimes my confessions tend to run along the lines of "forgive me of my sins" rather than specifying the sins I have committed by name.  This, even if I'm doing it unknowingly, is just a way of not admitting to some of my sins.  This lack of recognition produces many hindrances to self-awareness.  When we purposefully do not pay attention to our sins because we don't want to bother with correcting them, isn't that a sin in itself?  I mean the bible says in James 4:17, "If you know the good you ought to do and don't do it, you sin."  So confessing your sins individually makes you aware of what God wants you to change in your life.  Without your acknowledgement, are you really asking for forgiveness and confessing?  

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Open Myself to God - Unplugging

     We live in a world that is increasingly becoming based on technology.  While technology does have it's benefits, more and more it seems to lead to a kind of skewed sense of interaction based on only typed words on a screen.  More and more I find myself sending emails to my professors or my classmates with questions rather than asking them in person just because it's more convenient for me.  This kind of interaction has almost no emotions, and almost no risks.  Sarcasm can be misinterpreted and smilies can hide one's true feelings.

     We as human beings were not created to live in this kind of relationship with each other.  Do you think it would be a healthy relationship if all we did was send emails to God?  The only time that worked was in Bruce Almighty...  But seriously, our relationships aren't based on just these white and black messages with no emotion.  Oh sorry, there's some emotion!!!!!!!!!!!.  Apparently that means that I'm really excited?  Here's the deal: God created us for more personal relationships.  Relationships that are built on face to face encounters through which we can really get to know a person through their emotions or nonverbal signals.

     I know that I spend a lot of time on facebook in my dorms.  Granted, I'm doing my homework -- or trying to -- but I sometimes find myself trying to build relationships over facebook chat.  Then I realize how stupid that can be.  I mean come on, what kind of relationship is it if you meet someone face to face and say..."Oh, remember that thing I said on facebook? haha yea, that was funny."  I mean, really?  God had a totally different plan for our relationships.

     I know that there are other benefits to unplugging, this is just one that I wanted to focus on.  I just know that sometimes I get caught in the trap of thinking that spending hours a day playing xbox with a friend makes us really close...until we get bored of talking about the game.  We need to focus our attention on creating real relationships through face to face interaction.

     And for the record...Skype isn't good enough for face to face interaction...just saying

Monday, October 4, 2010

Open Myself to God - Teachability

     The concept of teachability goes way beyond just gathering information.  You may be the most knowledgeable person in the world, but you might not be very teachable.  What I mean is this, "Information doesn't necessarily transform or shape us." - Spiritual Disciplines Handbook.  We can gather tons and tons of information in our brains, but not become any wiser because we don't translate it into life-changing measures.  We can become so consumed by just "knowing," that we stop "applying."

     Jesus was the kind of guy who looked for extremely teachable people -- people who had open minds, not hard hearts.  These kinds of people were the ones who were open to being taught new ways of thinking and were willing to change their lifestyles or thought processes just to follow Christ.  He was completely annoyed by those who were "unteachable." He said to these people:

     "You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life.  These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life" 
- John 5:39
     I think one of the hardest things to overcome is our natural response to hearing opinions that we don't necessarily agree with.  I know that in my human nature I automatically go, "Nope, that's wrong.  I'm right. You're not.", but God has a totally different plan.  The idea of teachability is culminated in the pause in which we say "Well, at least let's hear them out."  It's not about necessarily changing our mind, standards, or values.  It's about keeping an open mind, and basing what the other person is saying on what Christ shows through his example.

     Maybe one of the best ways to be teachable is this: let somebody be wrong.  I know right, totally crazy.  I'm not going to let someone think they win an argument when I'm definitely the right one!  But when we continuously fight back, it makes people raise barriers, and their heart hardens.  Being teachable isn't always about learning for sure what is right and wrong, it's about opening your mind, and helping to keep other's minds open as well.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Open Myself to God - Slowing

     Many times our days become a series of appointments or scheduled activities, one after the other with no rests.  When our lives become so dependent on rushing through every moment just to get to the future on time, we tend to lose sight of what's important.  It's important to realize that the present is the only part of our lives that we can actually live.  So doesn't it seem pretty stupid to try to live our present based on what's coming next?  Isn't that kind of wasting the present?  Don't get me wrong, future planning is important, but what gets us in trouble is missing out on the present because of fear/worry/focus on the future.

     I am a planner.  I love to know what's happening in my week, when, where, and how long it's going to take.  I mean I even worry about what time I get up and how many hours of sleep I'm actually going to get. And then, I worry about when I'm going to have to take naps the next day to make up for inadequate amounts of sleep.  And then on top of that, I calculate how many days it will be until Friday night when I know I can sleep in till noon the next day.  I know, I'm crazy.  But all that worry about not getting enough sleep distracts from the sleep I'm about to get.  I totally gripe and complain about not getting my sleep, when God is saying "look at right now, I'm providing you with time to rest, so take it."

     The writer of this book talks about intentionally slowing down her life through little things such as intentionally getting in the longer check out lines at the grocery store, or purposefully driving in the slow lane on the highway.  What's the point of these?  It causes you to slow down.  It's when you really slow down and look at your surroundings, that you can really see all the blessings and wonders that the present has to offer.  When we slow down, we open our hearts to God showing us the value of the present, AND the value of our future.  When we are always going full pace, we may see value in our future, but what's the point of our future, without a present?

     The future never arrives, the pasts can never be changed, but the present is what we make it (yea, you can quote me on that ha).  I know that I tend to get these adrenaline rushes when I think about something super exciting in the future.  But there is always something super exciting in my future.  It used to be youth events or soccer games.  Maybe now it's football games on campus, and maybe in the future it will be me getting married.  But what if I was at a football game, but all I was focused on was the adrenaline rush of getting married?  Would I not miss out on the football game?  Ok, so maybe that was a weird example.  But point taken? I hope.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Open Myself to God - Simplicity

     This is such an easy concept to think and talk about, but it's so hard to put into practice sometimes.  Life just isn't simple of it's own accord.  So many times just getting in the car can be really complicated; you might be running late, you might hit a detour.  Our modern lives have become focused on adding; adding another car, adding another football game.  We are such a consumer society that it seems almost completely against our nature to lessen our consumption of something.  This idea of simplifying our lives has become so against our nature that it almost feels wrong.

     Jesus reminds us of the finite nature of living in a materialistic world in Matthew 6:

"Do not store up for yourselves treasure on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasure in heaven...For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." - Matthew 6:19-21

      Everything that we buy, everything that we keep in this world will eventually vanish.  In the very end of our lives, we won't even be able to hold on to our body.  Jesus reminds us that there's no point to putting our effort into worldly possessions when the only thing that we will keep is the kingdom of God in us.  Simplicity opens us to receive the simple gifts that can never be taken away: sleeping, eating, walking, giving and receiving love, and the benefits we take for granted; through these daily pleasures we are invited to open ourselves to God.

     In reading this section, a song by Toby Mac comes to mind called Lose My Soul.  The whole chorus talks about how we don't want to gain the whole world, but lose our soul...because then, what's the point of living? I know that the "more is better" mentality has shaped me by making me always want the coolest laptop, or the newest ipod.  But really, what has it done for me except make me waste more money?  It definitely hasn't made my happier, and certainly never brought me closer to God.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Open Myself to God - Self-Care

     Reading this section makes me realize just how serious we should take this idea of self-care.  We were created completely unique and beautiful in God's eyes.  He created us and gave us our bodies to take care of.  So why do we tend to "trash" them?  I know that I'm totally guilty of eating tons of junk food, and I've been guilty of not exercising for weeks at a time.  We should be striving to always take care of our bodies, if only because God made them for us.  Paul puts it in a great way:

"You realize, don't you, that you are the temple of God, and God himself is present in you?" 1 Corinthians 3:16

     When we pay attention to what our bodies are telling us, we learn our own God-given blessings and limitations.  God created our bodies a certain way for a purpose.  Sometimes I wonder why God made me smaller than a lot of guys my age.  Maybe that's just because I get so totally absorbed by sports that I would stop focusing on him.  Maybe it's His way of saying, "ok, you've had your fun...now it's time to buckle down and get to work."  Taking care of our bodies is also a way to honor God through our stewardship.  He asks us to take care of what he has already given us so that he can bless us with more.

     Since I've come out to MidAmerica, I believe God has really been showing me two areas where I need to take better care of myself.  One would be by lifting and running.  I know that I eat a lot, and if I don't lift and run, I'm going to fall out of shape.  I know that God wants me to protect my body, and that's what I plan on doing.  Also, God keeps having to remind me about how I can overwork myself if I'm not careful.  I tend to put too much on my plate sometimes, and I know that he wants me to take care of my body by not putting so much stress on myself.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Open Myself to God - Retreat

    The whole idea of retreat centers spiritual battles that happen within everybody.  The early Christians knew how important this idea of retreating from the battles to take time in solitude with God really was.  Paul writes the following that really puts it all into perspective:

"For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:12
    When I think of the retreat...two things come to mind: one is from a war standpoint, and the other is our church retreats that my youth group would do each fall.  Neither of these views really fit the original meaning for this word though.  In a war, retreat is sometimes seen as cowardly, and it means that the enemy has won...but that isn't true in this case.  When Christian's retreat and spend time with God in rest, they come back stronger than ever in their faith and are ready to fight for their soul.  Retreat in this sense is not meant to be a "we're losing so let's back down and cut our losses" ; it's meant to be a "I'm going to come back stronger with God at my side".

     Also, the modern church retreats don't fit this idea either.  Don't get me wrong, youth group retreats are great in themselves, but this is a different kind of retreat.  This retreat is personal; not communal.  Instead of long nights with games, movies, and practically no sleep, naps and going to bed early are expected.  Instead of sermons and speakers, personal devotions and meeting with God alone are essential.

    I know many times I get so over-scheduled that it's almost impossible to find time for God.  Not that I don't want to spend time with Him,  I just tend to want to do other stuff more.  It's not right, but I get so caught up in being involved, that I forget to retreat from the battles/events that I do.  Even if it's not a battle for someone's soul or something important like that, I forget to retreat and recuperate for that paper that is destroying me mentally...or when I go weeks without proper rest because I just want to spend time with people; or when I do so many things in ministries that I can't focus on any one enough...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Open Myself to God - Rest

     As Americans I think it's really hard to come to grips with this idea called "rest".  We live in a society where working as much as you can and making as much as you can is the norm.  It is almost expected of you if you're going to live in this country.  This "American Dream" that we have created makes "rest" seem like a foreign concept.  Our culture tells us that to be successful, we need to work to the point of sleep deprivation and sheer exhaustion.  But the problem is, workaholism affects your physical health, your relationships, and your mental capacity.  God created us to rest.

     "Clearly we were not made to work 24/7.  We have limits.  There is a finiteness to our time and energy.  And to live as though there isn't is destructive as well as delusional." - Spiritual Disciplines Handbook

     I know that I struggle with this idea of rest a lot.  Many people seem to view rest in only the physical perspective.  Sure, God created us to need sleep, but that's not the whole idea.  God also expects us to rest mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  I know that I get caught up in saying "Yes" to too many things all at once.  I have been trying to get involved in so many ministries here on campus that I feel like I'm going to explode, and I feel God is telling me to slow down and take a look at what I'm doing.  I can't rest while doing all these things; in any sense of the word.  We can become so caught up in what we want to do that we can overextend our own limitations which is destructive.

     I feel most deeply at rest when I sit at my house on a Sunday evening with no homework and just chill and watch football with my family.  Not only am I not doing anything physically taxing, I am taking time to get my mind off of school work, and spending time with my family all at the same time.  I also find rest after the games if I take a nap or just go play guitar quietly in my room.  Unfortunately it is much harder to find rest time at college.  But I'm going to make it a practice to enjoy restful times here as well.  Because I know I can't chug along forever...no matter how hard I try.  I wasn't created to, it's a simple as that.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Open Myself to God - Practice the Presence

"Practicing the presence is an invitation to see and experience every moment as a gift to God.  It is to live alive to union with the Trinity." - Spiritual Disciplines Handbook

     I think the single most important thing to recognize from this section is that we are always in the presence of God.  He is always there, no matter the circumstances, no matter how happy or sad we feel.  He is omnipresent.  But just because God is here, doesn't mean we are looking.  There are a lot of times when we get caught up in the hustle of life where we totally miss God because we were too focused on the football game coming on at 1.  In Karen Mains' book, The God Hunt, she suggests that this idea of practicing the presence is like a God hunt.  God could at any time decide to reveal himself, but we aren't always looking for him when he does, so we totally miss it.

     I love how the message translates Jesus' words in this passage:

"You have your heads in your Bibles constantly because you think you'll find eternal life there.  But you miss the forest for the trees.  These Scriptures are all about me! And here I am, standing right before you, and you aren't willing to receive from me the life you say you want." (John 5:39-40)   

     Jeez, that's intense.  Can you imagine getting so wrapped up in religion that you miss Christ?  Like how can we be so focused on those words in the Bible that you miss Christ living and moving among us?  I don't think that it is God's intention for us to be so wrapped up in following his directions that we miss encountering him personally.  God is here, we just have to open our eyes.

     Another side note...I can testify to how hard it is sometimes for God to get my attention.  I've been struggling with feeling dry since I've gotten to MNU.  I mean, I had tons of strong friends, awesome chapel services, but I hadn't found God's presence in a while.  I was so focused in finding him where everyone else did, whether in chapel or Sunday morning church, that I didn't notice that from day one he was speaking to me.  I had this thought of starting a small group but I kind of brushed that off to the side thinking that somebody else would take that responsibility.  It wasn't till I was forced to join a small group for my intro to ministry class that I took the initiative.  We met for the first time last night, and I felt God's presence more than I have since I got out here.  He spoke through my friend Trevor saying, "I'm here, why can't you see me?".

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Open Myself to God - Journaling

     Many times the world tells us that we need to focus on the experience of something.  By that I mean, you need to go to Orlando to experience Disney World, or you need to go to the beach to experience the ocean.  But there's something more, something that we don't necessarily see if we aren't looking for it.  God is in every experience; every place we go, everyone we meet, everything we do.  We as humans tend to get so caught up on what we physically see or hear that we tend to miss the big picture.  God (usually) can't be sensed through the normal human senses (unless you're Moses and meet with him face to face).  It's in the quiet moments, when we reflect on these experiences, that we can see the Holy Spirit moving in those around us, or God's people at work .

     Journaling is a great way to really explore these experiences and talk them over with God.  I know that in times that I have journaled about an experience, I begin to see God at work in EVERY part of the experience.  The sense of privacy that a journal offers makes it very easy for us to open up.  We can write down feelings, revelations, struggles, and even vent before God, in a way that may be inappropriate to do to others.   We begin to understand ourselves more completely.  Our sinful longings, limitations, and desires become evident to us.  Journaling can help us realize our fears, hopes, and angers in a way that keeps us from hurting others.

     "The ongoing nature of a journal catalogs the journey of a soul into God.  It reveals how we hammer out our identity as a Christ-follower through the ups and downs of daily routines as well as in times of crisis." - Spiritual Disciplines Handbook
     I think they cool thing about journaling is that there aren't set rules to it.  You can journal every day, or every month, or even just any time you have an awesome experience and you want to reflect and talk about it with God.  I know that when I went to Haiti, some of my biggest revelations came through journaling my thoughts down in the form of songs.  I write mini-songs, but some may write formal paragraphs while some others may just doodle.  Journaling isn't about following rules, it's about reflecting, listening, and learning.  I know that when I journal, I can almost always see where I was at fault in my day, whether accidentally or purposefully, and I see what I need to change.  I can see where God wants to take me, and I know what the first step towards that final project is.  Journaling helps tell the story of our spiritual journey as we grow closer to God.

     The key to journaling is being truthful...even if you won't admit something, God already knows it, I mean, he created you.  So why not just write down your true feelings?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Open Myself to God - Examen

     The "examen" is a list of questions that helps us to notice where God shows up in our daily lives.  The examen  is also know as the "examination of consciousness" and it's main purpose is to bring to our attention God's work in our lives that we would otherwise have missed in the hustle and bustle of every day.  The questions of the examen help us to see God's internal workings as a result of our external experiences throughout the day.  The examen brings us closer to God by clearing all the "muck" out of our eyes so we can see clearly God's movement.  Some of the questions include:

  • For what moment today am I most grateful?  For what moment today am I least grateful?
  • When did I give and receive the most love today?  When did I give and receive the least love today?
  • What was the most life-giving part of my day?   What was the most life-thwarting part of my day?
  • When today did I have the deepest sense of connection with God, others, and myself?  When today did I have the least sense of connection?
  • Where was I aware of living out of the fruit of the Spirit?  Where was there an absence of the fruit of the Spirit? 
     - Spiritual Disciplines Handbook
     The examen is a great way to discern what makes you feel most alive, what moments make you most grateful, when you're closest to God, or even the places where you aren't alive, grateful, or close to God.  For example, those who are always optimistic tend not to see the things in their life that bring them down and need the examen for that purpose.  Likewise, people with pessimistic tendencies need the examen to see the good in their life.

"Perspective and direction for the future happen through listening to where and how God shows up in your day and then interacting with God in prayer." - Spiritual Disciplines Handbook
     I think what stands out to me most right now is that this isn't just a spiritual discipline in the face that it helps us realize the importance of physical health as well.  I think question number three really kinda talks about that.  When I sit here and reflect on my day, I would have to say that the most life-giving part of my day was when I went to the gym and worked out.  I know at first glance it seemed that this was all about recognizing spiritual moments, but why not physical moments too, where we recognize the beauty of our creation and work to preserve it?  I don't know, just a random thought.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Open Myself to God - Contemplation

     I know that I'm very guilty of cramming my schedule with everything possible.  I just love being busy;  I hate sitting around.   Normally this isn't a bad thing necessarily, I feel like I accomplish more.  But the problem comes when I become so experientially oriented that I fail to take time and slow down.  I get so focused on feeling accomplished, that I never stop just doing stuff.  I never take the time to think deeply.  I mean thinking about something below the surface; thinking at so deep a level (especially about my faith) that I begin to see Christ in new ways.

     "Contemplation invites us to enter in to the moment with a heart alive to whatever might happen.  It is not just thinking about or analyzing an even or person.  Contemplation asks us to see with faith, hope and love." - Spiritual Disciplines Handbook
     When I begin to be a contemplative person, I begin to see the world through God's eyes.  I can see the injustice in the world that I may have not previously perceived, and I know I have to do something about it.  Take time to contemplate everything we have been taught about God and everything we believe is essential for us forming OUR faith, and not just the faith of our pastors, leaders, and parents.  Contemplation creates intimacy with Christ, and that's something that I should be striving for; not only for my future ministry, but for my own life.

     The book that I'm reading suggest a "walk with Jesus."  It's just one way that you can enter into a serious time of contemplation.  Take a walk outside, alone, and find a place where you can walk that isn't completely taken over by cars and noise.  Just take the time to see the beauty in God's creation, and emerge yourself into the presence of God.

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." (2 Corinthians 4:18)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Worship - Summing it all Up

     I tend to view worship as a Sunday morning thing often.  Or when outside of the church setting, I consider it to be worship whenever I pick up my guitar either alone or with someone else and just start playing "worship songs."  But while those ARE worship...worship isn't limited to those two things.  It's not even limited to a religious sense, or a church sense.  You can worship anything in your life; sometimes without even realizing it.

    Sometimes, we fall prey to either unintentionally or intentionally worshiping things other than our Creator.  Many worship money, some their favorite football team, or it could even be someone in your life.  I know in my life at points I have worshiped soccer.  Going into my freshman year of high school, soccer was all I cared about and when I didn't make the team, I was devastated.  So how would my life have turned out if I worshiped God only and not soccer?  I don't know, it would've been a lot easier to see my worth.

    When we begin to worship other things, we can't worship God.  How can our heart be divided?  We can't serve two masters.  True worship is when we value God above all else; when we put him first in everything we do.    We can do amazing things in God's name, but it's not of any credit to us if we don't put him first is it?  If our motives for bringing someone to Christ is to boast about it?  Are we worshiping God in that? NO!  We are worshiping what we consider to be our own importance. Jesus describes people who do this in this way:
"These people honor me with their lips, 
but their hearts are far from me" (Matthew 15:8)
     One thing to keep in mind is that everyone has their own style of worship and it is up to the individual to find their way in which they come closest to God.    Everyone comes closer to God in their own unique way.  Some believe that only hymns are worship while others believe that hymns are void of meaning to them because they are boring to listen too.  Some people think that dancing is not right in worship, and some people honor God through their dancing and feel it is their best way to worship God.  Some think that sitting in nature in silence is their act of worship.  Are any of these wrong? No. Is there any one way that's the best? Who am I to decide?

     I think my best way of coming to worship is through song, and I think it's easiest to worship God with others.  I feel God's presence more when I sing with others who are worshiping...or rather I come and meet with God more when I'm in a group.  That doesn't have to be you...it's even possible that in seeing others singing out their hearts to God, you can worship God just by feeling his presence.


Friday, September 10, 2010

Worship - Sabbath

     When most people think of "The Sabbath" they think of Sunday.  You go to church, you have lunch with some friends, then you spend the afternoon either napping or watching football.  The world's view of the Sabbath has become skewed and misinterpreted over the years.  The fourth commandment reads:

Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.  Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God.  On it you shall not do any work" (exodus 20:8-10)
     The original Jewish understanding of the Sabbath centered around 24 hours of setting aside the work of their lives.  They literally put aside anything and everything and rested.  They would meet together with their families, light lamps, and just enjoy a time of prayer, food, and fellowship with God.  "They woke on sabbath morning to a world they didn't make and a friendship with God they didn't earn." (Spiritual Disciplines Handbook).  But over time, this fellowship with God began to transform into just a ritual with sets of rules that must be kept.  It turned from a time of rest and transformation into almost another kind of work in that it was stressful to keep all the regulations of the sabbath day.

     I know that I have a lot of trouble just slowing down and spending time with God.  There were times during the school year that I would wake up at 6:30, then go to school until 3, then track practice till 5, then work till 9...then do homework till 11.  Then I would go to bed and start all over again.  The sabbath is a time where I can realize that I am finite; I can't go on forever.  I tire, I get weary; but God doesn't.  It is a time where I can thank God for all the work he has done and will do in the future.  He never gets weary of our burdens or our struggles.  "Sabbath is God's way of saying 'Stop. Notice your limits. Don't burn out.'" (Spiritual Disciplines Handbook).

     I know that many have fallen into this sense of Sunday being a day where you can't work, and you must rest all day.  But that's not really what the Sabbath is all about.  It isn't a specific day of the week, or even a specific time of the day.  I know that some people have to work on Sundays.  Are pastor's sinning when they work on Sundays?  Definitely not.  But they take a day off work during the week for their Sabbath.  In my dad's case, he takes Friday's off from going into the church so that he can enjoy his Sabbath.  Every Friday night, we would go out to dinner together and enjoy a family time of rest from a long week of work and school.  So maybe my family could consider our Sabbath to start Friday night.

     Also, it's important that we understand the distinction between rest and sleep.  This whole idea of rest does not mean lay around and do nothing all day.  It means we are to be refreshed in Christ through everything we do.  I don't believe it matters what you do honestly (within reason).  I know my dad finds peace and rest by manual labor.  He would go out and work on building our deck on his sabbath because it was a time of just getting away from the hustle of work and he could relax.  Of course by the end of the day he was tired, but he would be renewed.  I know it's a little difficult to take in; that manual labor could be rest. But I honestly believe that if the sabbath was all about just getting sleep and sitting on a couch all day, then God wouldn't have given us the need to sleep every night.  He would have created us so that every seventh day we would get super tired and sleep for 24 hours.

     For me, I find refreshment on going on a run, or going to the gym.  Maybe it's just the endorphins running through me after I work out, but I always feel more relaxed.  I can set aside everything that's stressing me out; everything that's causing me to worry.  I find that sometimes if I just sit around and eat all day I tend to feel like I wasted the whole day.  And that's not the point of the Sabbath.  I feel like you need to find what refreshes you;  what relieves your stress; what brings you into an unhindered fellowship with God.  Because that's what it's all about.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Worship - Rule For Life

     "A rule for life offers unique and regular rhythms that free and open each person to the will and presence of Christ" - Spiritual Disciplines Handbook
     At first I was totally confused by what the book mean when it said "rule for life."  I mean, is that like some kind of unspoken rule that everyone should know?  Or maybe it's some kind of rule that's listed somewhere in the bible?  But then the book goes on to read that every person has their own "rule for life" that they create.  The sole purpose of these rules is to create a habit of something; and through that habit, to continuously grow closer to God.

     This will look totally different for your friends or your family then it will for you.  Everyone has a unique rule for life that they live by.  It specifically addresses your life, your relationships, your needs.  It is just meant to be a simple set of disciplines that you live your life by -- not just a list of do's and don'ts.

     "Before making a rule, take stock of your desires, natural rhythms, limits and times of closest connection to God." - Spiritual Disciplines Handbook
     I have been given a passion for music by God, so why not use the passion and incorporate it in my Rule For Life?  I sing ALL the time, and I feel that singing brings me closer to God.  So why don't I make my rule to sing my praises to God every day?  It's so simple, but when I get in a rhythm of worshiping God through song, I will connect to God and grow closer and closer.  I want it to be so regular to me that it's easier to forget how to breath than to miss a day of singing my praise and glory to God.

     So what will your rule for life be?  Maybe for you it will be just going out in nature and admiring God's workmanship.  Maybe it's going to your church's sanctuary and just getting on your knees and praying.  Maybe you don't sing, you just play the guitar, well then strum away if that is when you feel close to God.  He isn't picky...he's given you desires, so use them to grow closer to him.  Establish a rule that becomes so natural that it models your very breathing.  This rhythm of drawing near to God will make you stronger in your faith.
     It's such a simple concept, but sometimes we over-think it.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Worship - Holy Communion

 22While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples,   saying, "Take it; this is my body."
 23Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, and they all drank from it.
 24"This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many," he said to them.
                              (Mark 14:22-24)
      This book has started to change my perspective on the tradition of communion.  I have taken part in communion countless times over the years, but what's really the purpose?  I guess one way to look at it is in remembrance of Christ and his death.  We celebrate what Christ did when he gave himself up for us, so that we could be redeemed.  He was perfect, without sin, and yet he paid the ultimate price.  He was the final blood offering for our sins.  With him, a new age was established in which we now all take part.
     I guess another way at looking at it though is a way to enter into God's story.  As we take communion, we are entering into a long line of apostles, disciples, and believers before us who have entered into the story of Christ's death and resurrection.  We, as each individual part, form the body of Christ.

Because there is one loaf, we, who are many, are one body, for we all partake of the one loaf (1 Corinthians 10:17)
      I think it would be downright insane to be sitting with Jesus at the Last Supper and hear him say that his body would be broken, and his blood spilled for me.  I can't imagine what was going through the disciples' heads...You can't die, you're God!...How could you give your life for me, I'm not worthy!.  It's just insane to think that someone so perfect would be killed for doing nothing wrong.  And yet, he did it, knowing he didn't deserve it, knowing that we didn't deserve what he was doing for us.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Worship - Gratitude

     Gratitude...that's also a tough one, and it seems to go hand in hand with celebration.  I mean when we celebrate what God has done in our life, aren't we showing him how grateful we are for what he has done?  Sometimes though I think we can get caught in the trap of being silently grateful.  I mean, how many times have you ever had a great meal, and never thanked the cook for spending the time to actually prepare the food that you ate?  Or how many times do we thank the person who cleans the restrooms at your church (ok, so I was a janitor for a couple years).  Or how often do we thank God for our family?
     I guess we can be grateful without showing gratitude.  But what's the point of silent gratitude?  It doesn't benefit anyone, and it definitely doesn't make anyone feel good.  I mean, doesn't it make you feel unappreciated if you work extremely hard for something and get not even a thank you for it?  Not that we should always work just for that recognition, but I know that a simple "thank you" can make someone's day.  I think we should be abundant with our thanks, in everything and to everybody.
     I mean if you look at Jesus' example in Mark 8, he gave thanks for what little he had.  

1During those days another large crowd gathered. Since they had nothing to eat, Jesus called his disciples to him and said, 2"I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. 3If I send them home hungry, they will collapse on the way, because some of them have come a long distance."
 4His disciples answered, "But where in this remote place can anyone get enough bread to feed them?"

 5"How many loaves do you have?" Jesus asked. 
      "Seven," they replied.

 6He told the crowd to sit down on the ground. When he had taken the seven loaves and given thanks, he broke them and gave them to his disciples to set before the people, and they did so. 7They had a few small fish as well; he gave thanks for them also and told the disciples to distribute them. 8The people ate and were satisfied.
Jesus was given seven loaves of bread and a few fish, not near enough food to feed the crowd.  But he thanked God for the little he was given; and God blessed him for that.  I think sometimes we sell God short and don't believe he can provide, so we forget to thank him for what he has already provided.  I mean, he's the one who provided us with life to begin with.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Worship - Celebration

     Celebrating isn't always as easy as it seems it should be.  We're quick to celebrate birthdays, holidays, or the victory of big football games; but when do we really take time to celebrate what God has done for us in our lives?  I know in my life, it's not near often enough.  And I know it becomes especially hard when not everything is going my way...oh God, why did this door close?  Why won't this place hire me?  Why do you want me to leave all my friends and family to go so far away?...etc.  But all the while I don't celebrate all the blessings God has put in my life.
    Ultimately every Christian is striving to live their life loving God so that one day we can join him in heaven.  And the cool thing is, all of heaven is celebrating.  So why do we think it's ok to not celebrate God on earth for what he has done?  I mean if we're going to spend eternity praising him, why not start now?  Sometimes we get too wrapped up in "secondary things."  We focus our time and energy on celebrating that promotion or our 18th birthday, but we forget who blessed us with that job or life in the first place.  Jeremiah the prophet reminds us that everyday there is something new to praise God for in Lamentations:
My soul is downcast within me.
          Yet this I call to mind
and therefore I have hope:
Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning (Lamentations 3:20-24)
     So I guess what we should take away from this is that we should be able to look at every day and find something new to praise God for.  Even if it's only for waking up alive.  And in our celebration we should be undignified;  we should praise God without caring who's watching, or what we look like.  Just give God all the praise and glory we can give Him.  So tomorrow I'm going to celebrate God for the blessings I have, no matter how bad or good my day goes.  I'll thank him and celebrate him for my family, or for my girlfriend, or for my friends.  Or even for the fact that I wake up alive.

I will celebrate before the Lord.  I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes (2 Samuel 6:21-22)